I recently joined a conversation about why a mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem is so much harder to solve than a regular linear programming (LP) problem. Clearly, it is more problematic than just rounding the fractional quantities up or down to the nearest integer. However, it isn't just the variability in solution time that many find confounding - the solutions themselves are often counter-intuitive. To be honest, the most valuable solutions from modeling are the counter-intuitive ones because it means you've learned something new and unexpected from your model. And to me, that's the whole point of modeling.
MIP models do not have to be large to be difficult to solve. In fact, some of the most difficult MIP problems known are trivially small. For this discussion, however, let's stick to forestry and concepts we are familiar with.
To make the binary variable useful, I need to relate it to an output in the model (harvest area). I need a constraint that will force the binary variable to equal 1 if I harvest any amount of area in the district. In the general case, I write the constraint as:
oaHARV(xx) - bigM * vbCut(xx) <= 0 1.._LENGTH
In this case, I use a theme-based output where district is one of the themes. The bigM variable has to be greater than any amount of harvest area in a planning period. I don't know the amount of harvest in any period, but I do know that if I harvested every acre in a district, bigM would have to be that large. In reality, since the districts are different sizes, I can set bigM slightly bigger than the largest district:
FOREACH xx IN (_TH11)oaHARV(xx) - 15,000 * vbCut(xx) <= 0 1.._LENGTHENDFOR
By itself, this doesn't do very much. The binary variables could take on values of 0 or 1 and it wouldn't matter. I need an additional constraint to ensure that binary variables only take on values of 1 when harvesting occurs in the district.
vbCut(*) <= 8 1.._LENGTH
Now, the model will correctly report the districts being operated in each period. There is no effect on the solution because the same choices exist as in the LP relaxation (binary requirements relaxed). Interestingly, the solver took longer to prove optimality for the LP than the MIP.
; LP relaxation
; Elapsed time for solver 0.36s
; GNU reported :
; Status: OPTIMAL
; Objective: OBJ1MIN = -309600006.1 (MINimum)
; Elapsed time for solver 0.23 s
; GNU reported :
; Objective: OBJ1MIN = -309600006.1 (MINimum)
No Additional Constraints, Just Change RHS
When you change the RHS values in a regular LP model, there usually isn't a big difference in solution time. For example, if you limit the total acres of commercial thinning to 500 acres and then solve it with a limit of 450, you don't see a big difference in solution time. In a MIP formulation, such a change can effect a huge change in solution times. In the following examples, I reduce the number of open districts in each period from (vbCut(*) <= 8) to 7, 6, 4, 2 and finally 1 district per period, just by changing the RHS value. All were solved with the HiGHS solver to a 0.1% gap:
Notice that the constraint on open districts really only starts to bite when 3 or more districts become unavailable. Let's look at which districts are open in the first 10 planning periods for the 6, 4 and 2 districts scenarios:
Not every district was accessed in the 4-district scenario. Presumably, enough harvest volume was available in period 3 that only 3 districts were opened. So, what do you think happened in the 1-district scenario?
Were you anticipating any districts to never be opened? Clearly, the even-flow constraint became limiting when only 1 district could be opened at a time. By opening the magenta or red districts, the objective function value would be worse than leaving them unharvested. Even though the harvest choices within districts are continuous variables, it isn't as simple as choosing the largest or smallest districts to balance the harvest flows. (Neither of the districts left unharvested were the smallest nor the largest districts.)
Additional Constraints
Suppose that in addition to limiting the number of open districts, there was also a policy requirement that you cannot enter the same district in the next period. This type of requirement is common in places like Canada (caribou ranges) but I also used it in a project in California. Basically, I need to restrict temporally adjacent binary variables from summing to more than 1:
FOREACH xx IN (_TH11)vbCut(xx) + vbCut(xx)[-1] <= 1 2.._LENGTHENDFOR
If vbCut(xx) = 1 in period 2, then vbCut(xx) in period (2-1) = 0, and this progression continues until the last planning period. In period 3, vbCut(xx) can be 1 again, but could also be 0, allowing vbCut(xx) to be 1 in period 4. Thus, we have our policy requirement.
If we apply this constraint to the 8, 4 and 2 districts scenarios, we get the following results:
Adding the sequential access constraints to the scenarios dramatically increased solution times but on a percentage basis, the biggest impact was on the easiest scenario to solve, and the lowest on the most difficult. In terms of the sequence of entries into districts, we observe these results:
You'll note that the constraints would have no impact on the single district scenario, since it never exhibited any sequential access to districts originally. Also, note that in the original 2-district scenario, there was only one instance where a district was entered sequentially. However, when you compare district entries from that scenario with the no-sequential entry scenario, there are multiple changes to assigned planning periods:
- It isn't just "LP with a few integer/binary variables". It is a different beast.
- A problem can be made much more difficult to solve by just changing a RHS value.
- Adding constraints can increase solution time by a great deal without greatly affecting the objective function value
- Even small problems can be hard.
- Integer solutions can be quite counter-intuitive
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